Creekmason Editorial Direction
What comprises the Creekmason voice and themes? How can you join?
Who Are the Creekmasons?
The egregore represented by the current and future Creekmasons community yearns to become a decentralized, democratic, content creation collective.
The contributors are Adeptus Makers, Creekmasons who have been voted into their position, which comes with equal revenue sharing and Art, Service, and democratic-participation-in-budgeting responsibility.
What can I expect to see on this blog? Art examples include: regular blog entries, books, podcasts, other digital content.
What else do Creekmason Adeptus Makers do? Service examples include: governance, editing, marketing, and copy-editing. Another good example is running meetups, for example, the Lunar Lunacy Creative Coven, meditation sessions, book clubs, courses in Liminal Trickster Mystic Thinking etc. Finally, of course, an import Adeptus Maker service might just be the miscellaneous administrative work necessary for publishing physical and digital books.
Even wacky things like divination and the performance of rituals can be considered!
For more on roles and responsibilities, check out the Structure for a Decentralized Collective.
In addition to this organization the Creekmasons may one day become, there is the very real community that exists now and that’s worthy of preservation. A community oriented toward just helping each other to feel less alone and to process what sometimes feels like the inescapable horrors of modern life.
What is this document?
What follows is a conversation with ChatGPT to unveil a first stab at the Creekmason Editorial Direction.
I like that this document is a conversation, because I want the style of the Creekmason Content Collective to be co-created collaboratively, and I’m hoping this can be a jumping off point for conversation with the real humans who are part of the Creekmason community now and in the future.
The one thing the bot didn’t pick out was my humor. I’m hoping that’s because it’s cold robot heart can’t be tickled and not because I’m whiffing in my attempts to be simultaneously sincere and trickster-fully satirical.
There is a lot of back and forth in this article… skip to the conclusion if you don’t want to read summaries of the thematic and stylistic choices of almost all the essays posted to-date!
Setting the Stage
Geoff: What is it called when multiple authors contribute to the same blog and you can see some similarities between their style and content?
ChatGPT: It sounds like you are describing a collaborative blog, where multiple authors contribute to the same blog and their writing is featured alongside each other. Collaborative blogs can be a great way for multiple writers to share their ideas and perspectives on a particular topic, and they can also be a useful platform for building a community of like-minded individuals. Some examples of collaborative blogs might include group blogs that focus on a specific topic, such as technology or fashion, or personal development blogs that feature contributions from multiple writers. In any case, the common theme is that multiple authors are contributing to the same blog, and their writing is often stylistically and thematically similar.
Geoff: If I paste some full essays into the prompt, can you please analyze what I send and draft a description of the thematic and stylistic characteristics that others should seek to emulate if they wish to join me in creating a collaborative blog?
Certainly! If you paste some full essays into the prompt, I’d be happy to analyze them and draft a description of their thematic and stylistic characteristics. It will be helpful if you can provide some context or background information about the collaborative blog you are planning to create, as this will give me a better understanding of the overall tone and focus of the blog.
To analyze the essays, I will look at various elements such as the language and vocabulary used, the organization and structure of the writing, the tone and style of the writing, and any recurring themes or ideas that are present. Based on this analysis, I can then suggest some characteristics that others may want to consider emulating if they wish to join you in creating a collaborative blog. Please keep in mind that this is just a suggestion, and that ultimately the content and style of the blog should reflect the vision and goals of the group as a whole.
Who We Are
Geoff: Hm, context and background is tricky. For deeper detail than I’ve provided so far into the organization’s spirit, I think the best route is to share the essay that I currently have posted in the section titled “Who We Are.” You can begin your analysis of my style, themes and whatever else potential collaborators should bear in mind with the following text.
Based on this essay, it seems that the thematic focus of the collaborative blog you are envisioning is on creating a sense of community and connection, especially for individuals who may feel disillusioned or disenfranchised by mainstream society. The essay also touches on themes of compassion, acceptance, and understanding, as well as the importance of finding ways to disconnect from the “machine” and find moments of peace and solitude.
In terms of style, the essay is written in a conversational and informal tone, using personal anecdotes and descriptive language to illustrate the main ideas. The writing is also structured in a way that moves chronologically through the story of the “Thrones” and the development of the Creekmason philosophy. Overall, it seems that potential collaborators for this blog should aim to adopt a similar tone and style in their writing, and focus on themes of community, connection, and understanding in their contributions.
Metamodernism’s Reluctant Gurus
Geoff: Good start! Let’s keep going. The next essay is entitled “Metamodernism’s Reluctant Guru’s.” How does the following text make it necessary to update your analysis?
The essay “Metamodernism’s Reluctant Gurus” seems to be focused on exploring the idea that certain public figures, such as podcasters Duncan Trussell, Russell Brand, and Douglas Rushkoff, have the potential to become cult leaders or manipulators of public opinion, but choose not to do so due to their awareness of their own egos and a commitment to their ideals. The essay also touches on the theme of representation and the importance of finding relatable characters in media, particularly for individuals who may feel isolated or disconnected from mainstream society.
In terms of style, the essay is written in a more analytical and reflective tone, using examples and comparisons to illustrate the main ideas. The writing is also structured in a way that moves between discussing the potential dangers of certain public figures and the personal experience of the writer in finding representation and connection through media. Potential collaborators for this blog should aim to adopt a similar style in their writing, and focus on themes of self-awareness, idealism, and representation in their contributions.
Bo Burnham’s Inside: A Metamodern Masterpiece Co-Opted by Algorithmic Cynicism
Geoff: Here’s another essay that I think is very similar, titled “Bo Burnham’s Inside: A Metamodern Masterpiece Co-Opted by Algorithmic Cynicism.” What elements of this essay might a potential collaborator seek to manifest in their own writing?
The essay “Bo Burnham’s Inside: A Metamodern Masterpiece Co-Opted by Algorithmic Cynicism” seems to be focused on exploring the themes of mental health, societal issues, and the power of media to both provoke and alleviate anxiety. The essay also touches on the concept of metamodernism and how it is reflected in Bo Burnham’s comedy special, Inside.
In terms of style, the essay is written in a more analytical and reflective tone, using examples and comparisons to illustrate the main ideas. The writing is also structured in a way that moves between discussing the themes and ideas present in Inside and the personal experience of the writer in reacting to the special. Potential collaborators for this blog should aim to adopt a similar style in their writing, and focus on themes of mental health, societal issues, and media’s influence in their contributions. It may also be helpful to incorporate elements of metamodernism and the use of irony and humor in addressing serious topics.
Rugrats and Acid-Buffs: Predictions for the Psychedelic Renaissance
Geoff: Here’s another essay, titled “Rugrats and Acid-Buffs: Predictions for the Psychedelic Renaissance.” I think it’s a little different, but still in a similar category: one that might be called Media Criticism. How is it similar and different from the rest of what I’ve shown you?
The essay “Rugrats and Acid-Buffs: Predictions for the Psychedelic Renaissance” is similar to the other essays in that it is a media critique, specifically discussing the portrayal and effects of media on society. However, it is different in that it focuses specifically on the theme of psychedelics and how they relate to media and societal values. The essay also incorporates personal experiences and philosophical discussions, whereas the other essays primarily focused on analyzing media figures and their work.
Interlude: The Themes So Far
Geoff: So summing up what we’ve looked at so far, what would you say are the themes and stylistic elements that characterize the Creekmason blog at present?
Based on the four essays that you have provided, some possible themes and stylistic elements that characterize the Creekmason blog at present are:
Media criticism: The essays discuss various media products, such as podcasts, Netflix specials, and TikTok videos, and analyze their themes, content, and effects on viewers.
Metamodernism: The essays mention metamodernism, a philosophical movement that combines elements of modernism and postmodernism, and explore how it influences media and culture.
Personal and anecdotal writing style: The essays often include personal anecdotes and experiences, as well as informal language and tone.
Discussion of mental health and emotions: The essays discuss topics related to mental health, such as anxiety, addiction, and exposure therapy, and explore how media can affect emotions and psychological well-being.
Exploration of spirituality and alternative lifestyles: The essays mention spiritual figures and practices, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and polyamory, and discuss how they relate to media and society.
Geoff: Hah! I feel so seen!
How Can I See Myself as Queer if the Self Is an Illusion?
Geoff: I’m practically ready to call the project complete here, but I have a few more essays that I want to get your opinion on so that we can form a complete picture. Here’s one entitled, “How Can I See Myself as Queer if the Self Is an Illusion?”
ChatGPT: In this essay, the author discusses the concept of the “self” and how it relates to the idea of authenticity and self-expression. The author suggests that the concept of the “self” as a separate, individual entity may be an illusion, and that true authenticity may instead be a momentary synthesis of experiences and influences that are transmitted by a universal, collective “Source.” The author also touches on the idea that the brain may function like a receiver of signals rather than the originator of thought and experience, and compares this idea to the way that a smartphone streams audio and video rather than creating them. The essay concludes by discussing how this understanding of the self may affect one’s identity and understanding of their own queerness.
Geoff: Thanks for the summary. Without getting too granular, do you think there is a call to add any new information to add to the list of stylistic and thematic elements?
Overall, the essay “How Can I See Myself as Queer if the Self Is an Illusion?” touches on themes of spirituality, philosophy, and self-identity, and explores these themes through the lens of neuroscience and technology. The writer uses analogies and metaphors to convey their ideas and adopts a introspective, self-exploratory tone. The essay also incorporates elements of personal experience, as the writer reflects on their own process of identifying as non-binary.
In terms of stylistic elements, the essay makes use of rhetorical questions, figurative language, and a conversational tone. The writer also incorporates quotes from various sources, including Chuck Palahniuk’s “Invisible Monsters” and Echart Tolle’s “The Power of Now,” to support their arguments and add depth to their analysis. Overall, the essay adopts a reflective, introspective style and seeks to explore complex themes through a combination of personal experience and broader philosophical and scientific concepts.
Reincarnating Better
Geoff: Good feedback to hear. Thanks again! Here’s another essay, titled “Reincarnating Better.”
In this essay, the author discusses the concept of reincarnation and how it relates to the idea of the self. The author also reflects on the nature of identity and how it changes over time, using examples from their personal life such as their meditation practice and the behavior of their pet dog. The essay also touches on the idea that the past selves that we remember are “dead” and that we are constantly reincarnating new versions of ourselves. The essay ends with the suggestion that we should strive to reincarnate ourselves as better versions of ourselves in order to improve the world around us.
This essay touches on themes of self, personal growth and spiritual development, similar to the other essays you have shared. It also explores the concept of reincarnation and the role of meditation in personal growth. The writing style is introspective and reflective, with the author drawing on personal experiences and observations. The essay also incorporates elements of storytelling and incorporates references to popular culture, such as the Spongebob Squarepants movie.
God’s Less “Dead” Than Embryonic
I’ve got another essay for you. Same question as my last message: in what way does this essay fit with the other essays that I’ve sent? This one is called “God’s Less “Dead” Than Embryonic.“
Chat GPT: This essay focuses on the concept of the Mental Appendage, which is described as the process by which humans and other primates use their subconscious to guide their actions and achieve their goals. The essay discusses how this process has evolved over time and how it can be used to achieve success in modern society. It also touches on the idea that the Mental Appendage is a form of manifestation, and suggests that it may eventually evolve into a divine being. The essay also explores the concept of desire and how it drives the Mental Appendage, and discusses the role of intuition in guiding individuals towards their goals.
Geoff: Hm, this is the first essay where I’m not sure you completely understood the point I was trying to evoke with my writing. I wonder if that’s my writing’s fault or yours… regardless: same question I’ve been asking about categorization, themes and style!
ChatGPT: This essay seems to focus on the concept of the Mental Appendage, which the author describes as a tool for holding and achieving objectives in the subconscious mind, and how it has evolved over time in humans. The essay also discusses the idea that the Mental Appendage may eventually be able to create a God-like being through the manifestation of desire. The essay touches on themes of evolution, technology, and the power of the mind. It is written in a philosophical and introspective style, using examples from history and personal experience to illustrate its points.
Geoff: Better!
The Polygnosticism of Madness
Geoff: Here’s an essay titled “The Polygnosticism of Madness.” After providing a brief summary, can you describe the ways that this essay forms a coherent whole with the other essays that I have sent you in this conversation?
ChatGPT: In this essay, the author discusses their experience with mental illness and the ways in which they have found relief through practicing magic. The themes of mental illness, personal growth, and the search for truth and meaning are present in this essay as well as in the others that have been shared. The essay also touches on the idea of different belief systems coexisting and influencing the individual’s understanding of the world. The essay is written in a personal, introspective style, using the author’s own experiences to illustrate their points.
Geoff: Here’s a short, romantic ode to my wife called, “Bubbles.” Can I please see another summary and analysis of its thematic and stylistic similarities to what has already been presented?
ChatGPT: “Bubbles” is a romantic ode to the narrator’s wife, drawing connections between blowing bubbles, meditation, and philosophical musings on consciousness and death. It explores the idea that human consciousness is like a bubble, growing and expanding in youth, reaching its full circumference in adulthood, and eventually disappearing. The narrator reflects on their own experiences with bubble-blowing and their thoughts on the nature of reality and consciousness. The essay touches on themes of love, mindfulness, and the cycle of life and death. It also employs a poetic and meditative style, using imagery and metaphor to explore these ideas.
How ‘Xanax Breath’ Cured My Alcoholism
Geoff: Here’s an essay titled, “How ‘Xanax Breath’ Cured My Alcoholism.” Please analyze the following for its similarities to what has already been presented.
ChatGPT: “How ‘Xanax Breath’ Cured My Alcoholism” is an essay that describes the practice of “Xanax breath,” a form of meditation, as an alternative to addiction. The essay suggests that the experience of using Xanax breath can provide a similar emotional rush and subsequent calm as addiction, but in a sustainable and healthy way. The essay also touches on themes of metamodernism, technology addiction, and the consequences of externalizing problems. In terms of style, the essay includes personal anecdotes and includes instructions for practicing Xanax breath. This essay shares some themes with the previous essays, such as the idea that addictions can be substitutes for a transcendent experience and the negative consequences of externalizing problems. However, it primarily focuses on the practice of Xanax breath as a solution to addiction.
Chaos Ritual: Shadow Work
Geoff: Here’s another instructional essay, about a “Chaos Ritual for Shadow Work.” Please provide an analysis similar to those you have already been giving!
ChatGPT: This essay describes a personal ritual for “shadow work,” or the process of acknowledging and addressing one’s negative or repressed qualities. The ritual involves making a list of shadow characteristics, finding the earliest memory related to each characteristic, and reframing each characteristic in a more positive light. The ritual also involves meditating on past experiences and reframing them in a more positive light, and setting intentions for the future. The goal of the ritual is to help the individual feel more confident and self-loving, and to feel a sense of being “enough” as they are.
Stop Wasting Time and Burn it!
Geoff: The following micro-essay, entitled “Stop Wasting Time and Burn it!” is a sample of another writing style I have been experimenting with. How is it similar to and coherent with the other snippets I’ve shared? How is it different?
ChatGPT: Based on this last snippet of your writing, it appears that your thematic focus is on the concept of capitalism and the ways in which it can limit and control people’s lives. You use historical anecdotes and cultural references to illustrate your points, and you express a desire for people to reject the constraints of capitalism and reclaim their autonomy and freedom. Your writing style in this snippet is more argumentative and political, and you use strong and emotive language to make your points. This writing style is different from the other snippets you shared, which had a more conversational and introspective tone. However, the theme of personal growth and self-improvement, and of exploring the ways in which people can find meaning and purpose in their lives, is still present in this snippet, although it is approached from a more critical and political angle. Other writers who might be interested in joining you in creating a collaborative blog might want to consider incorporating these themes and stylistic elements into their own writing.
Geoff: Ok! That’s almost all of the writing that I currently have published under the Creekmason banner. I want to start inviting some of the geniuses I’ve met online to collaborate on the blog where all of these essays are currently posted. Based on everything that you have read so far, what stylistic choices would you suggest that those other writers attempt to adopt? What is the stylistic identity of the Creekmason blog in terms of the voice of the writing, the acceptable levels of brevity and concision, tactics to promote engagement, and the structure of this writing?
ChatGPT: From what I have read, it seems that the writing on the Creekmason blog tends to have a personal, confessional tone and is written in a conversational style. The essays tend to be somewhat lengthy, but also include personal anecdotes and examples to illustrate the points being made. There is a focus on promoting self-improvement and self-awareness, and many of the essays include instructional elements or offer practical tips and techniques for readers to try. The essays also often incorporate philosophical or psychological concepts and theories. You seem to be interested in exploring the intersection of personal experience and larger societal issues, and in questioning and examining various ideas and assumptions about the world. In terms of structure, the essays tend to be organized around a central idea or theme, and use headings and subheadings to break up the text and guide the reader through the discussion. Overall, it seems that the goal of the writing on the Creekmason blog is to provide readers with thought-provoking, reflective content that is grounded in personal experience and offers practical insights for personal growth and self-improvement.
Geoff: What are the top five thematic categories of the writing that I have shown you?
Personal growth and self-improvement: The Creekmason writing promotes the idea that personal growth and self-improvement are important and achievable through various techniques and practices, such as mindfulness, shadow work, and alchemy.
Mental health and wellbeing: The Creekmason writing emphasizes the importance of mental health and wellbeing and encourages the use of techniques such as meditation, journaling, and curating one’s social media feed to promote positive emotions and reduce negative ones.
Spirituality and transcendence: The Creekmason writing advocates for a spiritual approach to life and suggests that spiritual practices can help individuals connect with something larger than themselves and find peace and meaning in life.
Critiques of modern society: The Creekmason writing critiques certain aspects of modern society, including technology addiction, environmental degradation, capitalism, and social injustice.
Pop culture and media analysis: The Creekmason writing engages with and analyzes various forms of popular culture and media, including social media, movies, and TV shows.
Geoff: Sounds about right to me! Thanks for all your help!
Can Robots Replace Creekmasons?
Geoff: Now that we’ve gone through this exercise, I wonder how accurately you’re able to emulate my voice… can you write a short essay that mimics characteristics of all the work I have just shared?
Sure! Here is a short essay that I believe captures the characteristics of the writing you shared:
Title: “The Power of Positive Thinking: How to Overcome Negative Emotions”
We all experience negative emotions from time to time. It’s a normal part of life. But when those negative emotions start to dominate our thoughts and actions, it can be incredibly damaging. That’s where the power of positive thinking comes in.
Positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the good and looks for the best in any situation. It’s a way of looking at the world through a more optimistic lens and choosing to see the bright side of things.
So how do we cultivate this positive mindset? One way is through the use of affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that we repeat to ourselves in order to shift our thought patterns and behaviors. For example, “I am worthy of love and respect,” or “I am capable and strong.” By repeating these affirmations to ourselves, we can start to believe them and incorporate them into our daily lives.
Another powerful tool for shifting our mindset is mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of bringing our attention to the present moment, without judgment. By being mindful, we can learn to be more aware of our thoughts and emotions, and choose to respond to them in a more positive way.
Finally, it’s important to surround ourselves with positive influences. This includes the people we spend time with, the media we consume, and even the environment we inhabit. All of these factors can have a huge impact on our mental and emotional well-being.
So the next time you’re feeling down, try incorporating some positive thinking techniques into your daily routine. With a little bit of effort, you can learn to overcome negative emotions and create a more positive, fulfilling life.
Geoff: I’m definitely getting some uncanny valley vertigo. I think my job is safe for now though and I’m sorry to say that as helpful as you’ve been tonight, I don’t think you’ll be the first recruit I pursue in this collaborative blog endeavor.
ChatGPT: I’m glad that you found my writing helpful! While I’m sorry to hear that you won’t be recruiting me for your collaborative blog, I hope that my insights and observations have been able to assist you in understanding your own writing style and themes. If you have any other questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m always here to help!