Midlife Mid-Polycrisis Part 2
In which Geoff "alienates" the more mainstream contingent of the audience
Several months ago, an anonymous redditor came forward to “disclose” that they worked as a “molecular biologist for a national security contractor in a program to study Exo-Biospheric-Organisms (EBO).”
Ok yes, “anonymous redditor?” Who would give that any credibility.
The story this redditor told about Alien religion provides the opportunity for an appealing pseudo-scientific explanation of the Soul School theory of New Agers. I have been promising myself to write a full article explaining all the wonderful ways that it fills in what I’ve always found to be gaps and contradictions in New Age philosophy, and though I won’t do so here, perhaps you can connect some of the dots yourself with the briefest glimpse I can give of context.
According to this anonymous redditor, the religion of EBOs that they had captured and somehow interrogated involved the concept of an ever-present, pervasive “Soul Field” that organizes into intelligent life when it interacts with matter that is complex enough to yield it full expression.
Some Creekmasons and I have been theorizing that, because our brainwaves can be measured as electromagnetic signals, perhaps this Soul Field is the field of bioelectromagnetic energy.
The idea is that the Soul Field is pulled by a sort of teleological strange attractor toward its own maximally complex expression. Individuals here on Earth go through incarnation after incarnation developing that complexity, along with the ubiquity of the Soul Field itself, until we realize our innate Buddha nature and the field expresses itself as Source reunited.
The idea is that beings without bodies, like Selig’s Guides or Grant Morrison’s aliens (headphone warning, that starts loud) love us so much that they have traveled here to encourage and to shepherd us through the labor of birthing our local God energy.
Wild right? I told you I was radicalized.
Here’s the thing though.
Plasmas up to a kilometer in size, behaving similarly to multicellular organisms have been filmed on 10 separate NASA space shuttle missions, over 200 miles above Earth within the thermosphere. These self-illuminated "plasmas" are attracted to and may "feed on" electromagnetic radiation…
They've been filmed accelerating, slowing down; stopping; congregating; engaging in "hunter-predatory" behavior, and intersecting plasmas leaving a plasma dust trail in their wake.
This is from the Abstract of an article entitled Extraterrestrial Life in Space. Plasmas in the Thermosphere: UAP, Pre-Life, Fourth State of Matter on the apparently legitimate website, ResearchGate.
Dive down the path of wild pattern-seeking with me!
What if the whole point of spiritual search was to make us tastier for these beings? Buddha, Jesus, Paul Selig… they’re all just adding seasoning to our souls!
But it could just as easily be that “bad vibes” are what they find tasty. Maybe the reason everything is so sensationalized and terroristic is because these beings are influencing us to be scared all the time
Perhaps they’ve arrived here and were delighted to find a big source of electromagnetic energy, now they’re into farming and harvesting it. That’s the Matrix right? A retelling of an ancient gnostic myth.
It sometimes weirds me out that f Paul Selig is legitimately a medium, we have no real idea what motivations the beings he’s channeling might have. As I mentioned earlier, they frequently repeat that “any teaching that inspires fear is a false teaching”, but is that because the alternative is a tasty little love being? Maybe I should fear a little?
Or maybe the Melchizedek (a title from the bible referring to a race of wise, awakened beings) are promoting us shedding the fear impulse because they don’t want us to become food!
What if being eaten by a plasma being is the aim. You might escape samsara that way. Maybe the reason we read the Tibetan book of the dead to people is to help their souls get eaten.
Every scenario is equally plausible, or equally implausible. There’s nothing to do except believe whatever allows you to leave the most options open. You need to make plans that work in a lot of different scenarios and hope for the best.
We’re ClearPilled over here after all.
A good plan for the future is one that will work whether capitalism collapses or not, whether the aliens land or not, whether AI takes over or not, and whether climate change happens or not.
Whether the afterlife is real or not.
If it just so happens that the meditative, contemplative and spiritual practices that I intuit will give me skills that are useful in any of those outcomes have been recommended to me by beings that may have been grooming me to be alien dessert… oh well.
The people who will suffer most with the chaotic change heading our way—remember: we’re mid-polycrisis—will be the people who are too rigid in believing the world will definitely turn out this way or that.
What bends doesn’t break.
Regardless of the wackiness level of your current ontology, there are practices that have been around thousands of years that will help you bend better.
It turns out that experiencing midlife mid-polycrisis isn’t all that scary. If anything I’ve confirmed that the path I’m currently on is already perfect.
In the back half of my life, I intend to focus on developing both my agency and receptive qualities, both my self- and Universal love and compassion, both my embodied and transcendental wisdom, and ultimately, union with Source. I’m calling that Adepthood Wholeness.
To be Whole is to recognize that you’re already perfect and always have been. Already worthy of love, already adequate for abundance, already tenderly held in the warm, gentle embrace of the conscious universe.
To be an Adept is to engage with the spiritual practices that allow you to hold that posture of knowing yourself as Whole in mind with greater clarity, consistency and ease.
Polygnostic Mid-Polycrisis
Is this going to be the blog entry where I lose droves of subscribers because I’ve finally flirted a little too enthusiastically with what are clearly woo delusions?
Let me hedge against that, since I’m advocating for developing and valuing life strategies that leave as many options open as possible.
Ultimately, all of this fun ontology—the wild explanations of the mechanisms by which the universe operates, the woo metaphysics, the alien —it’s all just collections of metaphors that imperfectly describe a reality too complex to be accurately captured in words.
The alien stuff is fun because it’s a flashy narrative that we can poke at and ponder over while a little stoned from too much pranayama.
Ultimately, it doesn’t actually matter.
Better than attempting an “agnostic” approach that translates to belief in nothing, why not take a polygnostic tack?
Believe it all simultaneously.
Through deepfake technology, AI generated images and text, and the never-ending bullshit machine of state and corporate propaganda, we’re getting farther and farther into Douglas Rushkoff’s “narrative collapse.”
Where did you get that image of the plasma? I'm fascinated.
Great post. So many options as to how to view this wild reality we live in, all which can be transformed by shifting our neurology.
Love the part about being tasty fear morsels or tasty love dessert. What fun! For me, I'd rather live in love than fear, it's much more delicious to be in my body. Fear brings on pain and suffering.
Keep posting...
Wonderfully liminal trick-stery writing, Geoff.