NitN 36 - Page of Pentacles (Content Carrier Gets Geoff Both Kinds of Content!)
Content Carrier joins a call from across the world and becomes and official Node! We chat about building the skills of authenticity, musicality, prose and mind control. And, of course, how those skills should only be used for Good!
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Excerpted from Mental Appendage!
The eBook is free this weekend and just a dollar otherwise!
The stucco is stippled with ripples that surge,
A splash in reality transience schleps.
All people: events where the triggers converge
Producing behavior, made habit through reps.
The line between Lucas and Dylan is blurred.
They’re actors and settings. They’re cause and effect.
An unbroken network that’s linked by causality.
Homo Habilis, that Handyman? Primely
Tracked goals, like a muse that would whisper, “create.”
A rock. Then another. Then knapping and finally,
Gripped concept of meat near the bone tasted great.
For Sapiens’ goals - like “get rich” - held in mind, we
Catch bait to catch bait to catch bait to catch fate.
“I’m starting to hum a less lunatic tune,”
Says Luke on his back, a submissive young pup.
“I think about metaphor daily, but dude,
When everything’s nothing but meaning, it’s rough.
My skull’s started aching; my mind’s blown.”
“A mood.”
“Off topic: your outreach - you think it’s enough?”
“Election’s tomorrow?!” And Dylan’s up frantically.
He’s slanted askew but he has the absurd
Compulsion to drive to his District direct.
He’ll sleep at his mom’s; after all of this work,
He’s crazily anxious his boxes get checked.
Alone on the road watching headlights that surge -
They’re chewing through freeway a car length ahead -
He’s carefully focused on hugging the curves,
Aware he’ll be home after numerous bends.
His view of his goal is, by distance, obscured;
It’s held by his mental appendage instead.
It’s that the old witch was describing, it had to be!
His home - the election - a visualized masterpiece!
Is all of this actually happening magically?