Patience versus Urgency
Lunar Lunacy returns! Delightful lil' poems contributed by a few of the always-brilliant Creekmasons!
Lift up anything heavy.
Find a way to make a stranger more comfortable.
Let’s build something better together.
🪨┃🌜┃lunar-lunacy is sort of like a Creekmasons group art project! It’s meant to be a place where anyone who wants to make art can come up with things together. It’s especially geared toward those aspiring to become Adeptus Makers (Creatives who are published by the Content Collective), but we’d love to see you sign up even if you have no desire to ever have your work shared publicly.
This is a mini-oasis in a cultural wasteland where you can earn rep, share and receive feedback, and build connection.
This Moon’s Prompt: Patience vs. Urgency
Find out more on: Instagram
stillness and movement
they tell me
“nothing to do,
nothing left
undone”, but
where’s the
doing done?
when to do
and when to
don’t?pushing harder
barely keeps
the boat afloat.
and what the
fuck is it rockin’
forward, in a
collar tho,
i urgently go,
from to and fro//
the waste
haste makes
takes paces
awaytwo steps
toward and
three away
maybe stay
and play, let’s
wait todayleave space,
my grace - why
run in placedo a moonwalk
or a running
manand calm
down, fam
Find more at: Published Writing
I’m a Creep
Waiting, impatient.
“Connect!” invitations:
As scarce as I care to conceive.Word after word of me urgently pining…
A long monologue marked by insecure whining…
As bad as I dare to believe.Silt through a sieve.
Shirked blisters that bleed.
Or a key that’s been frequently lost.Tingles: they’re frigidly ringing my scalp—
Hinting, unclear, incarnation’s about
Refusing the waste that impatience will cost:Silently minding the ice.
Mason: Amos J. Hunt
Find more at: Website | Patreon
Rally and Reply
If you tell me the time is now;
there can be no delay;
and those who sleep on it will rue
the loss of this brave day;my heart, true to the noble course
endowed by its creator
with disciplined, relentless force,
will cry in answer, “Later!”
Want your writing featured here? Join the Discord! We’d love to have more Lunar Lunatics!
I really appreciate the presence of the built-in text-to-speech interface 🌛🌝🌜
I dig the spiral-y image!