Lift up anything heavy,
find a way to make a stranger more comfortable,
let’s build something better together.
Are you a Liminal Trickster Mystic?
Many people tell me they can listen to their sacral and feel an immediate pull toward that designation with little additional information.
Does it ring true to you? We believe it’s an emergent subculture, and you may have just found your family.
Don’t you feel liminal? Trickstery? Mystical?
This is the writing of Creekmasons: chronically alienated householder seekers, who know what it's like to feel drawn to meld with others on the (arguably saner) fringes of the (brutally insane) “Culture War.”
Maybe you’d like to read more about the subculture to which I believe the Creekmasons belong? Check out the article where I coined the term Liminal Trickster Mystic.
What will you find here?
In short, articles on spirituality and transcendence, personal growth and self-improvement, mental health and wellbeing, critiques of modern society, and pop culture and media analysis.
Weekly essays drawing on the informed media criticism, grounded metaphysical musings, and vulnerable anecdotes of a Liminal Trickster Mystic—the facets of a single Jewel in the web of interbeing that mirror trends of the Net in sum.
Musings, reframings and rituals for each and every outcast cell in this superorganism who is interested in addressing our own wounds in order to heal our embattled world.
Words to get householder seekers vibrating with alchemical resonance that ripples out to the tapestry of Interbeing.
So many people say we can heal the world through healing ourselves… You’re running that marathon. Here you’ll find a water station staffed by mystical, sensitive, emotionally available lunatics who want to give you the boost you need to get to the finish line.
(Or who are happy to invite you to the text-based rave happening on the sidelines.)
Wait, there are other Creekmason Projects?
The idea with this decentralized collective is to empower creators to focus on the aspects of autonomous creation of content that they enjoy while benefiting from the support of a spiritually awakened, generous, empathetic community.
As such, we have a few other things we make together.
Nodes in the Net
Published weekly around Tuesday evenings.
A weekly, tangential, irreverent podcast conversation that caters to the interests of Liminal Trickster Mystics... like you!
There’s been so many wonderful guests, many of whom who have become initiated into the Creekmasons, but some random highlights include Mitch Horowitz on the Occult, Noah Lampert on alt spirituality, Nintozen on Buddhism, and Travis Redtail on intentional community building.
Lunar Lunacy
Published in place of the regular blog the Friday nearest every Full Moon.
Lunar Lunacy is sort of like a Creekmasons group art project! It’s meant to be a place where anyone who wants to make art can come up with things together. It’s especially geared toward those aspiring to become Adeptus Makers (Creatives who are published by the Content Collective), but we’d love to see you sign up even if you have no desire to ever have your work shared publicly.
Who are the Creekmasons?
So far official Creative contributors are
and , two millennial spiritual dilettantes interested in the sort of consciousness expansion that is described above.We’re also looking for more Liminal Trickster Mystics to join the Discord and contribute the words resulting from their own special synthesis of manifest phenomena by becoming an “Adeptus Maker”: A supplier of an Art that helps lost Liminal Trickster Mystics find their tribe and a Service that supports the creativity of your fellow ‘masons.
If you’re looking for even more background of our organization—and some of @geoffe’s best essays—check out the Creekmason Canonical Pieces. This collection details important turning points in the collective’s history.
If you’re looking for a deeper dive into the editorial direction that this community currently upholds, I had a chat with a robot a while back where I fed it all my essays and asked what I’m doing. It legitimately resulted in some deep introspection and a feeling of validation. You can check that out here.
Get Involved!
What are you doing, missing updates?
Are you missing your family?