Sep 16Liked by Geoffe

Geoffe, this was beautiful. Thank you for sharing this rock with us.... there's so much to digest here. I really resonate with that sense of rejecting before I can be rejected... I've never considered how elitist it is.... but in a way it truly is, isn't it? To think I am so awful, so specially terrible, that I'm worth rejecting before you even meet me. Yikes. A truly powerful way to reframe this mindset and help reset it. <3 Thank you.

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What a lovely comment! I really wasn't sure whether this one would land with anyone, but I guess that's often a good sign that it will land deeply with just a small portion of people... hahah. Thanks a ton for engaging and here's to us overcoming our self-doubt and ending our too-aggressive repressive reversal of it into elitism and our projection of it onto others as some kind of persecution!

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Sep 14Liked by Geoffe


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❤️ 😎

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