Scraping the Residue off the Antenna

Call it karma, trauma, triggers, or ego… it keeps us from feeling “enough” for Love It’s a matter of time until the tech elite invent a “cum button.”  We’ll have our neuralink brain implants splooging dopamine directly into the cortex when we look at ads for Outback Steakhouse. Before we know it, as if our bodies were operated by tiny […]

Nestlings, Moonwater, and Love, Love, Love, Sweet Love.

Lunar Lunacy is back! The Prompt? Holding onto Empathy in a World that Reward Psychopaths Lift up anything heavy.Find a way to make a stranger more comfortable.Let’s build something better together. 🪨┃🌜┃lunar-lunacy is sort of like a Creekmasons group art project! It’s meant to be a place where anyone who wants to make art can come up with things together. It’s […]

Be Not Afraid

Ecstasy = Agony, Awakening = Crisis, Prophecy = Paranoia Born a slave in 1984 Discovered that my life is just a record they performed A maze where I was placed – This is Fucking Ecstasy, by Say Anything My first psychiatrist told me I’d never stop believing my paranoia. I was stuck forever wondering whether I was the victim of gang stalking […]

Honey Badgers

A DGAF’ing Generation incarnated specifically to face the apocalypse As if “Gen Alpha” wasn’t a Chad enough name for children born between 2014 to 2025 my algorithm fed me several videos this week in which they’re being called The Honey Badgers. Why? Because they don’t give a fuck. My daughter’s generation seems to have crossed the threshold of the bardo to […]

NitN 0.5 – Ace of Wands (Reify the Liminal with me!)

What follows is one of the clearest attempts I’ve ever spit into a microphone to capture the mission of the Creekmasons as they exist today, the day before 2023’s Winter Solstice. More and more I’m thinking these Holiday Hiatus episodes are a worthy introduction to the Creekmasons. It sure feels cozy in this Winter Solstice cocoon. I can’t want for […]

Not this time…