JT (Taylor’s Version)

JT (Taylor’s Version)

jt intends to cultivate gentle curiosity, reduce global suffering, and expand joy and love for all beings. JT first began meditating over a decade ago and, since having entered the stream of Amma’s and David Nichtern’s embodied transmissions, his mission is to “earn a living” by working aligned with his values. 

A passionate Skeptarchist, dissident to Late Stage Capitalism, and occasional pirate, JT deeply values the principles of the Noble Eightfold Path, cyclical integration into the ecosystem, diversity, and “counter-growth:” divesting from extractive and exploitative systems full of externalities and investing in local energy exchange, self-sufficiency, mutual aid, and supportive community of organisms, collectives, and beings in all times and spaces.

Sign up for one on one mindfulness meditation coaching with jt and unlock the mindful, present moment awareness that must have been available to everyone before civilization got in the way and ruined everything.

@jtgoods everywhere!

drop a penny in the hat 🙏🏼


Not this time…