The Baby Waterfall Conventions

A small offering for healing conflict, revoking consent to atrocities, and incarnating as love. … it is the thing that we did this past week— first when Hamas attacked Israel, and then when the Israeli military attacked Gaza back. We logged on. The Creekmasons were generally not excluded from this observation by The White Pages’ Garrett Bucks. And certainly, in-keeping […]

You’re Your Own Guide

A simple clairaudient practice to intuit True Will and burn off karma. Are you familiar with the Monkey Paw trope? The gist is this wish granting piece of taxidermy lowers a finger every time you use it for manifestation; the twist is your wishes always turn out unexpectedly bad.  It’s essentially the same idea as the evil genie who maliciously takes your […]

ChatGPT for Manifestation

Plausible stories spat out by a probability-based chatbot yield fodder for the Law of Attraction ChatGPT thrives as a tool for self-hypnosis. The same character flaw that makes it a dubious source of legitimate factual information is exactly what makes it adept at constructing imaginary scenarios that are believable enough to become rooted in a person’s subconscious deep enough to trigger the mechanisms […]

Dog Walkin Shamanism

A reliable form of Empty Hands divination Dog Walkin’ Shamanism is a practice inspired by some famous, prolific modern shamans: the writers of the 1985 show MacGyver. MacGyver’s nearly unavoidable in the social ether of pop culture, but let’s back up and refresh your memory. The titular character creatively engineered his way through every episode’s life-or-death predicament. He’d invent these […]

Ritual: TikTok Vipassana

Having a depressive, no-bones sorta day? No? Well, you’ve curated your algorithm such that it thinks you have them now and then… so here’s a TikTok game you can play on your next one that’s guaranteed to cheer you up.

NitN 20 – Four of Wands (Therapeutic Space)

In our most personal, intimate and REVELATORY episode yet, Geoff dives into JT’s relationship to anxiety, anger and masculinity. We identify Light and Shadow (toxic) versions of each of those characteristics that may actually be very useful to you! Intro! Wanna use actual Magickal energy work to make “just touching grass” a tangible benefit to your life? Let’s set up […]

Ritual: Manifesting the Aeon

The New Aeon this ritual helps manifest is the beginning of an age where we are all The Second Coming. Where we finally have the absolute agency and self-determination described by the best sort of Anarchy, and the universal love and spiritual wisdom to handle it.

Chaos Ritual: Shadow Work

1: Shadow (Yeesh, Geoff. Your Journal used to be Emo AF…) There is a side of me that Carl Jung would call my Shadow.  When given control of my meat vessel through my conscious brain checking out, getting drunk, becoming distracted, wandering or otherwise ending up inebriated, it propels me to behave in ways that I would characterize as unloveable.  […]

Chaos Banishing Ritual: Celebrity Trickster Daddies

A chaos banishing ritual of my own devising! You should be starting and ending facing East, near the center of your house, but as you invoke each guardian trickster, walk to whatever entrances to your home—be it a door or window—face each of the cardinal directions. You’ll move clockwise through your house and return to a point near the center.

Not this time…