NitN 20 – Four of Wands (Therapeutic Space)

In our most personal, intimate and REVELATORY episode yet, Geoff dives into JT’s relationship to anxiety, anger and masculinity. We identify Light and Shadow (toxic) versions of each of those characteristics that may actually be very useful to you! Intro! Wanna use actual Magickal energy work to make “just touching grass” a tangible benefit to your life? Let’s set up […]

Ritual: Manifesting the Aeon

The New Aeon this ritual helps manifest is the beginning of an age where we are all The Second Coming. Where we finally have the absolute agency and self-determination described by the best sort of Anarchy, and the universal love and spiritual wisdom to handle it.

NitN 19 – Ace of Pentacles (Mildly to Moderately Inebriated)

In a vast, irreverent, tangential conversation about following your intuition to bring about more Love, less Separation, more Equality, and less Alienation, we dive deep into what’s required to make being Capitalism’s cog cool! Intro! When I hear climate activists say, “if we all chip in our little piece, our actions can be really meaningful,” I can’t help but think […]

Journaling in Verse

Is your body ready for the poetry version of Bo Burnham’s Inside?  Kind of an unfortunate tag-line, to be honest, but I couldn’t help that we had very similar ideas and he executed first and stuck the landing freakin’ beautifully. Anyway, I just published that poetry collection! I wrote the Journaling in Verse trilogy one poem a day starting in […]

Not this time…