Memorial Day Dumpster Fire, Literally

Disaster unveils the uplifting truth: basic human nature is prosocial and anarchic. My Memorial Day weekend was marked by a dumpster fire.  A real one, not a metaphor. Given it’s a grilling holiday, we tried for thirty minutes or so to convince ourselves that the acrid burning smell wafting into our open windows was just someone’s barbeque. It didn’t smell at all […]

Liminal Trickster Mystics

The project of shoehorning the natural world’s spectrums and networks into a taxonomy of discrete, referential language doesn’t tend to vibe with Liminal Trickster Mystics, So why do it?

Because there’s power in a name. A subculture that is aware it exists can proselytize. 

And, maybe narcissistically, I feel strongly that the world would benefit from Liminal Trickster Mystics.

Don’t Skip Leg Day

Sometimes it’s worthwhile to climb out of the warren, up through the rabbit hole you’ve been drawn into, and find a Default Reality explanation for a revelation you’ve too credulously accepted. If you don’t, you’ll end up looking as silly as a gym rat who spends all their time on their chest, back and arms and gives off vibes of an upside-down triangle perched precariously on toothpicks.

Not this time…