Nodes in the Net

A podcast featuring wide-ranging, irreverent Big Talk between two millennial spiritual dilettantes

Shadow Work

A call to action! Analyzing Silicon Valley’s commodification of Jung’s philosophy, part 2. If your declaration that you’re “not trying to be an asshole” gets little response besides a few laughing emoji reacts, it’s probably time to consider your tirade complete. Thankfully that’s exactly the way it recently went on one of the Discord servers I belong to. (Not the Creekmason […]

Algorithmic Law of Attraction

A brief detour in the exploration of New Agey influences on technology “The mother of all white vans is parked behind our house,” I say. Since I’d begun my turbulent “awakening” there had been one white commercial looking van after another parked back there. Today’s contender looked like a camper or something. Clean, white paint, uninterrupted by any windows; maybe […]


How Silicon Valley has Commodified Jung, Part 1 My living room blinds were twisted half-way open for the sake of our houseplants, so I happened to catch the first bubble peripherally while working on the couch. I looked up with amused curiosity just in time for the second confusing bubble to bumble by.  It was pretty fuckin’ whimsical.  Walking outside, […]

Barbie’s New Age Genius

Finding balance in our Divine Masculine and Feminine and thereby transcending the matrix. I am a fragile man. Highly—almost desperately—well-meaning. Incredibly insecure. Enduringly unsure whether I’m worthy of love. “I’m just Ken,” as Ryan Gosling sings in the Barbie movie. Perhaps, like Ken, I’d even be in danger of being radicalized nearer to borderline Incel territory were I not a […]

Too Overwhelmed to Move

Shrinking my bubble. Building up energy. Beating Depression. Maybe our depression has something to do with the dreary, over-industrialized dystopia steadily draining us. Maybe Aleister Crowley was right and masturbation can be used to cast spells… if so, what spell are we casting through the mental (and literal) masturbation we do while staring at our phones? Do these symbols of […]

Indra’s Net at Different Zoom Levels

How contradictory hot-takes aiming to define reality can be simultaneously true. Maybe just for grass-is-greener reasons, with American culture so infamously individualistic, counter-culture spiritual seekers often become infatuated with the Buddhist concept of Anatta. Signifying the metaphysical assertion that it’s an illusion that we’re discrete, separate individuals, Anatta translates, essentially, to “no-self.”  In the New Agey subculture to which Liminal Trickster […]

You’re Your Own Guide

A simple clairaudient practice to intuit True Will and burn off karma. Are you familiar with the Monkey Paw trope? The gist is this wish granting piece of taxidermy lowers a finger every time you use it for manifestation; the twist is your wishes always turn out unexpectedly bad.  It’s essentially the same idea as the evil genie who maliciously takes your […]


Us-care is self-care for relationships; making space in an overfilled cup for more stress. My wife has an expression: “My cup is too full to handle any more bullshit.”  Well, ok. That’s not exactly it. She doesn’t say “bullshit.” That’s just a touch of my own self-mockery inserted into it. But the cup metaphor she’s invented is what we want […]

Meditating to Explore the Phrase, “Fuck it.”

“Why bother?” and “Why not?” are only an alchemical reframe apart. They say not to get your life advice from memes. But this one, posted to the Creekmasons Discord, actually acts as a Trojan Horse to a nugget of wisdom. In January, I completed a round of the meditating-once-a-day challenge David Nichtern proposed to Duncan Trussell. Among other things, it clarified the […]

Founder? CEO? Try All-Purpose Doula.

Misgivings around formal authority, the Tao of Leadership, and Creekmason democracy I received the same incitements toward arrogant narcissism as any millennial. Criticisms of my messiah complex could rival those levied at only the most insane. I have been programmed since birth to seek fame, status, leadership, self-importance, and self-righteousness.  In short, society tried to make me a fascist.  I […]

Not this time…