Geoff Gallinger (Author, Tarot Reader, Magus)

Geoff Gallinger (Author, Tarot Reader, Magus)

Geoff Gallinger writes poems, essays and fiction. They’ve joked a Bachelor’s in Creative Writing from SF State qualifies them perfectly for being a pizza driver. That sounds like self-deprecation, but hours a day completely alone in a beater car with an audiobook and a notepad for company? That’s actually a good approximation of a “room of one’s own.” 

Being home isn’t too bad either; their daughter and wife will always be their primary audience.

Published Writing

Esoterotica vol. I

Esoterotica by Duncan Trussell, Lucky Wilder, Kailan and Geoff Gallinger, Nicholas Alexander, and Friends

A hot and steamy journey into the cryptid minds of the Duncan Trussell Family Hour!

Here’s Duncan’s words on the project:

If I’m being honest, I don’t think you are ready for this kind of smut. I don’t think you can handle psychedlic mind boggling sexual encounters with cryptid figures like bigfoot, mothman, hodag, magical witches, horny gnomes, transdimensional algorithms, and the devil incarnate. This erotic journey through your deepest, most twisted desires, is probably too hot for you…

Duncan Trussell

Journaling in Verse

“Catharsis” is Greek for “puke and rally.” No, literally.

Well… Journaling in Verse proves melody, meter, and—occasionally—rhyme make puking more palatable.

Geoff Gallinger wrote this collection with (more or less) a poem a day since they first started worrying about the Coronavirus in March of 2020. Betraying their anxiety that’s much earlier than many: that was around the time hundredth confirmed case in the US. This writing, however—puked onto their phone while on walks, paranoid to come too close to strangers and, at times, under an apocalyptic orange sky—is what has allowed them to rally.

The Mental Appendage

The Mental Appendage, by Geoff Gallinger

Dylan Friedman is your typical college stoner who finds school-funded psychological research and LSD to be a gateway to the Occult.

That’s typical right?

Dylan beats the pavement, supposedly to “save rainy San Francisco from a plunge into the Bay” due rising sea levels. That’s only a piece of real reason. Dylan’s “Enlightenment Campaign” is a mission to change out people’s incandescent bulbs for energy efficient LED alternatives, while subtly steering conversations toward shining a light on California’s Prop 19, a ballot initiative for the legalization of cannabis.

Students of history will remember how Prop 19 faired come election season. Still, Dylan’s forays into applied psychology (also known as Magick, with a “K”) might help ensure the war isn’t over.

This short, melodic, metered Epic Poem is sure to stick with you long after you put it down.

Other Projects

Nodes in the Net – Podcast

Daily Tarot Reading Poems on TikTok

Video Call Tarot Readings

Not this time…