Nodes in the Net

A podcast featuring wide-ranging, irreverent Big Talk between two millennial spiritual dilettantes

Chaos Ritual: Shadow Work

1: Shadow (Yeesh, Geoff. Your Journal used to be Emo AF…) There is a side of me that Carl Jung would call my Shadow.  When given control of my meat vessel through my conscious brain checking out, getting drunk, becoming distracted, wandering or otherwise ending up inebriated, it propels me to behave in ways that I would characterize as unloveable.  […]

Chaos Banishing Ritual: Celebrity Trickster Daddies

A chaos banishing ritual of my own devising! You should be starting and ending facing East, near the center of your house, but as you invoke each guardian trickster, walk to whatever entrances to your home—be it a door or window—face each of the cardinal directions. You’ll move clockwise through your house and return to a point near the center.

Don’t Skip Leg Day

Sometimes it’s worthwhile to climb out of the warren, up through the rabbit hole you’ve been drawn into, and find a Default Reality explanation for a revelation you’ve too credulously accepted. If you don’t, you’ll end up looking as silly as a gym rat who spends all their time on their chest, back and arms and gives off vibes of an upside-down triangle perched precariously on toothpicks.

Reincarnating Better

When a memory eddies into the present, a dead you is being reincarnated. As I sat quietly the other day—engaged more in “thinking with my eyes closed” than in meditating—an old embarrassment bubbled to the surface and I realized that the “me” who endured that experience is dead…

Not this time…