Published Works
The Mental Appendage

The Mental Appendage

As I have described elsewhere, I went through a terrifyingly turbulent, skull-poppingly psychedelic initiation into adulthood during college. I was getting divine downloads before I was ready to admit there was a divine.

That’s when I decided to be a translator. A liminal bridge between the Woo and the Material. A link that promotes reconciliation between High Weirdness and Default Reality.

That is The Mental Appendage

This short story is part of a longer project that was thrust into my meat computer back around 2012. It covers the Mental Appendage, a potential materialist theoretical underpinning for New Thought that I explore with less jaunty, rhyming LSD narrative in this article.

So what is The Mental Appendage about?

Dylan Friedman is your typical college stoner who finds school-funded psychological research and LSD to be a gateway to the Occult.

That’s typical right?

Dylan beats the pavement, supposedly to “save rainy San Francisco from a plunge into the Bay” due rising sea levels. That’s only a piece of real reason. Dylan’s “Enlightenment Campaign” is a mission to change out people’s incandescent bulbs for energy efficient LED alternatives, while subtly steering conversations toward shining a light on California’s Prop 19, a ballot initiative for the legalization of cannabis.

Students of history will remember how Prop 19 faired come election season. Still, Dylan’s forays into applied psychology (also known as Magick, with a “K”) might help ensure the war isn’t over.

This short, melodic, metered Epic Poem is sure to stick with you long after you put it down.

Geoff Gallinger (Author, Tarot Reader, Initiated Creekmason Sorcerer)

Geoff Gallinger writes poems, essays and fiction and has said a time or two that a Bachelor’s in Creative Writing from SF State qualifies them perfectly for being a pizza driver. That sounds like self-deprecation, but hours a day completely alone in a beater car with an audiobook and a notepad for company are actually a good approximation of a “room of one’s own.” 

Being home isn’t too bad either; their daughter and wife will always be their primary audience.

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